Important notice:YCAT is currently consulting on its admissions arrangements. We welcome comments from all parents, staff, Governors and members of our schools' communities. For more information, please visit our policies page.

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Working Practices and Key Principles

By working and learning together we will challenge and support each other sharing the best practice and CPD and as a result we will more effectively meet the needs of all children in our schools.

All staff in the trust have high expectations and are continually trying to find ways to improve provision for our children. This aspirational aim is practically supported by the Five Questions Model for all activities and tasks. Staff use the question framework below in their day-to-day work to help focus on identifying ways to continually make improvements.


Five Questions Model

  1. Why do children need this?
  2. What is expected of me?
  3. What support will I receive?
  4. How will this impact on pupils’ outcomes?
  5. What changes will I now make to improve my impact?


Key Principles

Continuous school improvement is fundamental to achieving our vision. Our operational model for school improvement focuses on our key principles, aligning assessment to ensuring pupils systematically build knowledge in all subjects.

  • Plan each day's learning from assessing the pupils' previous day's learning.
  • Lessons should be clearly planned in sequenced units to meet the needs of all children including disadvantaged and SEND
  • Workbooks should show pupils drawing on previous learning with fluency and automaticity.
  • Assessment for learning is used to identify gaps and support pupils knowing and remembering more.
  • Regular recalls and revisits will be used to support pupils embedding knowledge in their long-term memory.  
  • Any gaps for pupils are urgently addressed with additional support.
  • Pupils’ progress towards the agreed end points in each year group are regularly checked by teachers and leaders.