Important notice:YCAT is currently consulting on its admissions arrangements. We welcome comments from all parents, staff, Governors and members of our schools' communities. For more information, please visit our policies page.

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School Improvement Leadership Group


School improvement is planned to meet the specific needs of children in all trust schools by the School Improvement Leadership Group (SILG).

This consists of the CEO, headteachers and deputy headteachers or senior leader from each school and includes Trustee representatives.

The SILG ensures the principles, values and systems of the MAT effectively support sustained improvement in all our schools.  Collaborative practice is promoted and training planned to meet all of our schools’ needs. 

There is a formal centrally located half termly meeting for SILG with additional focused visits and training to respond to individual school needs.

Their strategic plans and impact assessments are reported to Members, Trustees and LGBs.  SILG focuses on:

  • Sharing best practice across our schools
  • Systematic delivery of CPD
  • Providing leadership support
  • Procedures and protocols for annual school reviews
  • Teacher and teaching assistant support networks across YCAT
  • Joint training days
  • Shared leadership of key areas
  • Trustee and Governor training and support
  • Promoting parent and pupil voice and joint learning activities between schools

SILG is also looking at sharing teachers including specific skills e.g. arts, music, SEND leader, etc.